Regions of Argentina
A region with a rich tradition and architecture. Under the influence of the Andes, its most important cities are Salta, Tucumán, Catamarca, Jujuy, Santiago del Estero and La Rioja. It has plenty touristic attractives as Talampaya, the famous Train to the Clouds, the Quebrada of Humahuaca, Tafí del Valle and the Calchaqui valleys.
Although is seldom visited, this region has plenty to offer, a wild nature with hunting and fishing. Its most important cities are Resistencia, Formosa and Roque Saenz Peña.
Also known as Mesopotamia (between rivers), is surrounded by two great rivers, the Paraná and the Uruguay. It is the cradle of the jesuitic missions and the guaraní spirit. Its most important cities are Paraná, Concepción del Uruguay, Corrientes, Posadas, Concordia and Gualeguaychú. The region's attractives are fishing, the Iguassu falls, the jesuitic missions, the carnivals and the Iberá swamps.
Sierras (Hills)
The weather, the landscape and the easy access made of this region one of the premier vacationing spots in Argentina. Its most important cities are Córdoba, Villa Carlos Paz. La Falda, Cosquín, Merlo and La Cumbre. Beautiful alpine towns alongside rivers and creeks may be found, as La Cumbrecita or Villa General Belgrano.
It is the prime food producing region, where the famous gauchos may be found. What is more surprising of this area is its flatness, interrupted only by some isolated hills in the South Province of Buenos Aires. Its most important cities are Rosario, Santa Fe, La Plata, Pergamino, Tandil, Mar del Plata, Santa Rosa, Rio Cuarto and Bahía Blanca. In this region the most popular beach resorts may be found on a seashore of more than 600 km (400 mi).
In this area mountain sports reign, ski, alpinism, rafting, trekking and horse riding go along a rich tradition, great food and most of Argentina's vineyards. Its most important cities are San Juan, San Luis, Mendoza and San Rafael. The Aconcagua, the Valle de la Luna (Moon Valley), Las Quebradas National Park and the Atuel canyon should be visited.
Buenos Aires
Argentina's capital, concentrates with its suburbs one third of the total population of the country. Rich in history, culture and gastronomy, by its own is worth a visit. The most impressive spots are the Delta del Tigre, Recoleta, San Telmo, downtown, la Boca y Puerto Madero.
Andean Patagonia
One of the most beautiful regions of Argentina where most of the National Parks are located. In this area sports as biking, ski, camping, fishing and hunting can be done. Its most important cities are San Martin de los Andes, Bariloche, El Bolson, Esquel, El Calafate and Neuquen. In this region outstands the Perito Moreno glacier and Los Alerces, Nahuel Huapi and Lanin National Parks.
Maritime Patagonia
Although is one of the less populated areas of Argentina is perhaps the richest in suprises with paleontologic fields where the biggest dinosaurs were found, plenty of wildlife and great places to dive. Is well known by its whale sanctuaries where they meet in Spring, penguin and sea lion reserves. Its most important cities are Puerto Madryn, Trelew, Comodoro Rivadavia, Rio Gallegos, Rio Grande and Ushuaia. The Tierra del Fuego has excited the imagination of countless people through the centuries.
With a unique culture, has extense bird and sea animal colonies, and a pristine environment. The main town is Stanley.
Beaches of the province of Buenos Aires
The chosen resting place for holidays by the inhabitants of Buenos Aires, they are known for the broad beaches and warm waters. It is possible to find from the most exclusive to the most humble places, from the most popular to desert beaches.
Photo Copyright Beatrice Murch
Ageless ices and plentiful seas characterise the Antartic. Although only scientists and military people live there, it is becoming an exclusive touristic place.